Sunday, June 15, 2008

So I'm going through a dream phase.

It's actually very neat. I'm in a sleeping pattern that seems to allow me to remember my dreams much more vividly. I'm obsessed with unreal and otherworldly things, so this is awesome.

I'm having more of those classic teeth falling out dreams. Everyone seems to have them. It's a ridiculously realistic sensation. Only in mine I have another tooth behind the one falling out so it's actually not a really threatening sensation that I get. The problem with these particular dreams is that for a while they were filed under real memories in my brain. And I would think back to the last time I lost a tooth and think it was very recent, and cite the dream memory as real. It's really very strange, and leads me to wonder if there are any more dreams I've filed in the "real memories" file.

A recent dream went roughly like this:

I was going to see a girl who is sick. She was in a room on the second floor of a large house. The house was old. The colors of the house were rich and deep. And when I would try to go up to see her I would find my way blocked. As it turns out I am not allowed to see this girl. She is off limits. I try various methods and eventually make it to the second floor but have to hide constantly. I am forced to leave before I am discovered. the top floor is old but cleaner. I enter through the front door again and am led to the stairs by the girl's sister. She tells me to go through a small (very small) door under the first stair and crawl up to the second floor. One inside the crawlspace A mouse scuttles up to one of the exit holes. I push out and into a pristine medical ward-like hallway. I run through room after room until I reach the girl. I wake up.

All of my dreams seem to follow this search, evade, discover, escape type of theme. It's interesting. Needless to say, I will be sleeping in this pattern to see if I can illicit more of this.

This is from xkcd

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