Monday, November 17, 2008

Quotes From The Dim

What follows are a few quotes passed on to me by a friend that come from a university photography 101 class. I type them in the manner they were given to me. I have been informed misspelled words represent mispronounced words and incorrect grammar represents terrible eloquence.

"If you don't want noise in photos, you can lower the shutter speed and raise the 'abitured'. You could get really sports photos that way."
- To whoever said this: you are an idiot. To attempt to reduce noise, you alter the ISO. All lowering the shutter speed and raising the aperture would do is cause you to get streaky photos where you really can't tell what's going on.

"Black and white photos are artistic, and landscape pictures are artistic, so I wanna take a black and white landscape photo and be double artistic."
- What? It's like the person that said this is trying to piss off photographers. It's hard to express what's wrong with this statement because it's actually quite hard to determine what the right way to say it would be. I suppose if the person... no. It can't be done.

"All art is better in black and white. It leaves more to the imagination. It's not just photos, even TV. Like, I Love Lucy and I Dream Of Genie. they were so much better and had more depth than modern day TV."
- Yes! A sexually objectified subservient woman who exists for the sole purpose of serving her man with magic powers is much deeper than say, medical dramas, shows that evaluate the morality of how the government operates, or shows that examine justice in today's world but do so through entertainment. And black and white film was certainly an artistic choice when Color TV didn't exist.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Technology hates me.

That's the only conclusion I can come to at this point. My hard drive containing every scrap of photography I've taken for over ten years crashed. My computer containing a 12 page paper due next week and my most recent photos crashed. A computer I was using to write a personal statement for Pi Kapp crashed as I was trying to send it off, the Knowledge center kicked me out ten minutes early and I wasn't able to save the progress in an online class I'm taking, and I'm really sad.

Also, people who stop and have conversations on stairs make me want to commit homicide. It would be way too easy. "Oops. You fell down a flight of stairs."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Please Vote.

If this gets even one person to vote then I'm happy. Google has a polling location..locator. Pretty nifty.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ex Terrorists Visit UNR

Two former terorists visited UNR recently. (Website here). (I had a bit of a hard time shooting this event. Not for technical reasons mind you, the lighting was perfect.) How does one convey the feeling in a room full of a majority of lifetime Americans not used to being told that they are unaware? Not used to hearing things yelled out in languages that the media infuses with an irrational fear. I had to strike a visual balance within which the underlying uneasieness and genuinely charged atmosphere became apparent. I feel that I may have found that balance. Please let me know how you feel, especially if you went to this event.