Thursday, November 13, 2008

Technology hates me.

That's the only conclusion I can come to at this point. My hard drive containing every scrap of photography I've taken for over ten years crashed. My computer containing a 12 page paper due next week and my most recent photos crashed. A computer I was using to write a personal statement for Pi Kapp crashed as I was trying to send it off, the Knowledge center kicked me out ten minutes early and I wasn't able to save the progress in an online class I'm taking, and I'm really sad.

Also, people who stop and have conversations on stairs make me want to commit homicide. It would be way too easy. "Oops. You fell down a flight of stairs."


G.L. said...

Sorry about the photos... Did you have any back-up? And have you tried the library's basement? It's much better there.

Deanna said...

I have so been there, hence why I highly recommend an external hard drive as backup (unless you have shitty luck like me, and your boyfriend drops it, causing it to die, too).