Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Every neighborhood has one.

You might not think so, but you do. For the longest time I would watch movies and when kids were dared to go up to or into theirs I'd get jealous. But, as it turns out, I do have one. My local haunted house is located at [information removed because I relaized I want to keep it secret].

Many people I have talked to, at least four, have dreams of one day owning that house. The only problem as far as I can tell is that people tend to live in that house for very short spans of time. It was vacant for a very long time. And when I saw someone moving into it when I was in high school, my heart sank. A year later they were moving out. Someone moved in again during my senior year. And now it's for sale again, at "reduced price".

Now why would a house have a slew of previous owners who live there in short duration and also be going at a reduced price? Yeah. I know. Haunted house. Needless to say, I want it.


Anonymous said...

I remember you saying one day that you wanted to infiltrate it. :3

Anonymous said...

This house was built in 1982 and has had eight owners since then. In April 2007 it was sold for $278,000.

Daniel Clark said...

Thank you anonymous contributor.

What's strange is that I posted the information you posted in a more recent blog. What I didn't include however was what is told for. So that leads me to believe you didn't just copy the information from my post.

What I want to know is how you found the information on the net, it took me quite a while to find out that information, and required a bit of snooping actually.

Also, those who choose to remain anonymous always make me wonder. So if you'd care to respond, who are you?