Monday, October 15, 2007

This Week in Photos (Two)

I only did two assignments this week and therefore will only have a few photos tonight. You can (whoever you may be) enjoy these every Monday/Tuesday from now on.

I actually want an opinion on the second two. They are of a memorial. Do you think that it is okay to post these pictures in my blog? Or is it disrespectful? A gallery of them is available here


In the shadows said...

I don't think it is a disrespectful thing to post them in your blog. The fashion in which you posted them shows respect to the situation they were taken in.

Those two pictures capture so much emotion and show strength in a time of sadness. I believe you have done a great service to them by posting them.

Le Reveur said...

I don't think it's very respectful to have them juxtaposed with starbucks. Otherwise, they're good pictures.

Fielding said...

Man if I only liked starbucks, :(it is only a matter of time till the university gets a fast food chain now..... also the second shot of the memorial, great job... you can get a real sense of being there....