Monday, October 29, 2007

This week in photos. (Four)

Here we are again at the end of our week. It's been a hectic but otherwise rewarding week. I went on what I believe is my most fruitful event yet. Here are a few photos os the events throughout the week. I'll be posting a sort of prose description of my experiences later.

But first, here's a photo of Mr. Greg Green, and a couple of womens volleyball.

Greg Green



SF Protest

SF Protest

SF Protest

SF Protest

SF Protest

SF Protest

SF Protest


Le Reveur said...

Please, for the love of god (or some other big thing), tell me you got contact information and networked while you were there...

Daniel Clark said...

I personally have no real reason to network with anti-war groups and the like . iahve numbers and information for some of them, but that's really only for the story. I'm essentially out of the protest and activist world now. My new mantra: "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." -George Orwell