Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ouch. Just, ouch.

So one of my photos on the Sagebrush website got a comment. And. It sort of makes me incredibly defensive. So, here it is. Let me know what you think.

"I was wondering how you get involved in taking the pictures for this site of the paper because I was there for the band and took pictures that were as good or better than the one shown. I am very interested in photography. Any response would be great."

The photo in question is this one:


Anonymous said...

It makes sense to be defensive. And to be insulted.

I don't know what else to say though... some people are just completely rude like that.

Le Reveur said...

I really like that picture. They can shoosh their moufs.

Howard said...

Fuck that guy, that's a really good picture, you lined it up perfectly.