Sunday, September 2, 2007

What day is it again?

It seems like my days are so structured now that I have no room at all to grow or LIVE. Get up. Get ready. Go to work. Go to class. Go to Sagebrush. Go to bed.

Repeat until insane.


Le Reveur said...

You should go here, lol. "Work hard, play hard" is a way of life...

You know your limits, or you'll find them soon. Remember to get some leisure time in, some time unscheduled, before you lose focus on what you care about.

Anonymous said...

Ha, it does make you insane, but I guess that's growing up, right?

School, work, homework, sleep. School, work, homework, sleep. School, work, homework, sleep. School, work, homework, sleep.

Thank goodness for weekends.