Monday, September 3, 2007

Urban Caving.

Okay. You know that previous post about my having a strange obsession with infiltration places I shouldn't be?

Entering, Never Breaking

Well there's an entire subculture of people dedicated to that evact sort of thing. Go figure, right? Just when I think there's something odd about me I find a niche. I don't know if that makes me happy or dissapointed. Point is, there are people with whom I can talk about this and sound sane to.

Formally called Urban Exploration, It includes exploring abandoned buildings (so awesome), active buildings (I do that), and the vast array of underground structures beneath cities (that's how I got started). Also included in this subculture is a wide graffiti art interest. And if any of you know mw, you'll put some things together.

I happened upon this by vainly searching for my name on Google. I came across another Daniel Clark, who is also a photographer and Urban Explorer in Europe. Coincidences are very neat things.

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