Monday, November 5, 2007

Well... neat.

Apparently people read my blog. News to me, neat and uplifting news. It does however make me afraid as to what I've accidentally let slip about my life. But seeing as this is a place that is meant to represent a real part of me and not some fabricated glossy cutout of me, i'm going to continue with the truth.

News updates on my life are as follows.
I feel like I'm growing in my photography. I could just be going crazy, but I think my photos have taken on a more meaningful substance. I used to see jopurnalistic photography and artistic photography as entirely seperate kinds of work. Little did I know, all photography is artistic. There just happens to be a sect that gets printed in newspapers. I know to most people that seems like a simple and obvious conclusion. But I'm odd and have only as of a few weeks ago come to this realization. I know. I'm dumb. Moving on.

I'm finally getting help from the counseling center on my uncanny ability to forget everything ever. It's not the regular kind of forgetting either. I don't know my multiplication tables. I can't remember a phone number rom the phone book to the phone, I have incredible difficulty keeping appointments straight. In fact I still have problems remembering what classes ihave on what days, and when all the meetings are for teh sagebrush. But pen and paper save me. The pen is my Jesus. Moving forward.

I absolutely need to buy a camera. It's official, I can't survive without a camera of profesional quality within arms reach at all times.

And last but not least, look forward to a week in photos today or tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you threw the link out everywhere like crazy, of course people are going to read it. XD

Lol you're not dumb or slow. Just focused? I can't find the right word. Well, good luck and have fun. ^^