Sunday, November 11, 2007

This week in Photos (Five)

Here we are. The week is coming to a close. The next week in photos will probably be a bunch of artsy photos. The week after that will probably be as well. Anywho. Here is a bunch of neat stuff to look at. I took some photos of a really nice dancer girl. And I was an idiot and shot at the wrong iso by a long shot. Then you'll get a blast of some new union stuff. After that I'll inject you with some portrait. Then I'll give you some benefit pictures.

(I also realize that some of you might want to read the news stories attached to these photos, so I'll link those from now on)

Please insert usb cable into your wrists, here come the pretty rectangles.




The Joe

The Joe

Seeds Portrait

Benefit Dance

Benefit Dance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 3 4 8.

I really like those :3