So, either I'm getting paranoid, or the infamous "they" or "them" are getting careless. A few months ago I was driving to a museum with Juliet in Vegas. (I believe that's where we were going...) But as we were driving I looked out toward the Strip (vortex of lost dreams). And I saw 4 or 5 black helicopters. This, while not really strange to most people, strikes fear into the hearts of conspiracy theorists like myself. See here:

That's roughly the sort of thing I saw, except with no markings, and guns clearly mounted on the front.
Next came a more recent event. I was on my way to the airport using the public transportation (go me!) when three of the patrons on the bus exclaimed that they had just seen police put a bag over a mans head. I turned to look and saw that the police had indeed put a black bag over the mans head and were proceeding to arrest him. This sort of thing is common in fiction. It's even called "Black Bagging" if you can find the literary refrences. So. I'm keeping an eye out.
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