Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In an effort to...

...keep this thing updated I now share with you a seriously unguided post. It's a good idea to have a direction when you post something. It keeps readers engaged, and lets them know where something is going. You do not have that luxury (Unless you're me, which is more likely. In which case you know exactly where this is going.)

Lost *spoilers*

I know. I'm the last person on earth to watch Lost, but shut up. I'm halfway through the final season and I'm realizing that LOST is MYST. Just think about it.

Occupy Wall St.

I definitely knew this thing would be big. And I want to be involved, but then again I also want to eat, and pay rent.

Oh! Road Rage.

What the hell is up with people. So I cut off some guy the other day. He followed me for two miles. And when I got to somewhere I had to stop he pulled in front of me and got out of his car. Walked stormed over to me and began yelling incoherently. I (from the safety of my locked car) told him that I had indeed already said I was sorry for cutting him off. Then he began hitting my window with great force. I think he might have hurt himself. My window is fine. Then he kicked my car. I think he hurt himself there too. My door is not fine.

Anywho. I'll post some photos of something sometime. This blog needs some pretty rectangles.

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