Friday, October 7, 2011


Ever step up to a ledge, be it the edge of a cliff or the edge of a swimming pool, and feel your body prepare? Not a physical tensing of the muscles, that's what happens *next*. What I'm describing is anticipation I guess, but the raw feeling. It's this transition moment of potential I'm pointing to.

That's what I feel sometimes in my head. It's infuriating sometimes, getting past that ledge. I'll just wait and wait and the revelation won't come. Then, later by some magic what it is will come to light. Usually after I've moved on.

This is similar to another phenomenon I also find frustrating. This one is this sudden onset of a mental pause. It's like I come to a log across my path. And I stop. And I look at it wondering what it is. And I can't get past it. Then I realize it's freaking log and just climb over it.

This happens with simple things like, say, applesause. I'll be stoked about eating some applesause. Freakin awesome delicious applesause. Then I get sidetracked by something else momentarily, like a news story, or a bunny. Then, for all the salt in the sea I can't remember what it is I wanted to do. I'll sit there. Staring in the direction of what I wanted to do. "It's that way." I'll think to myself. "It was....tasty?" Time passes, I have no idea how much, Then, pow, I remember.

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