Monday, October 13, 2008

The more you know!

**I used the Knowledge Center computers again for these photos and I think the color is off again.**

(This is really the first time I'm actually using this blog for news content. Though this is relatively low level news, I think it counts. At the very least I'm sure I'd have some sort of case against the university if I died.)

A dumpster now sits in front of the old Sagebrush offices. Inside are bags filled with debris and hazard clothing. Suite A is sealed off and air is constantly pumped in and out of it. Behind three layers of plastic, a sign warns against entry into the building. Apparently The Nevada Sagebrush was operating inside a building rife with a builders best friend (circa 1905) Asbestos.

One story about the Sagebrush office begins with a sudden server failure paired with an internet failure. The solution was deemed to be getting into the suite next door to reset the server...or something like that. Explorations under the offices yielded no entrances into the next suite. The next course of action was, of course, a venture through the attic. I was the individual who volunteered for these adventures. We joked about Asbestos. Now it seems we were right.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Verdonne - we all spent so much time in that building! O_o I mean,I was there for at least 12 hours every week... I wonder if it's possible to contact former Sagebrush employees (from years and decades ago) and see how many got cancer.

Le Reveur said...

Sweet fucking jesus on a stick, for serious? That's pretty shitty. I hope you come out alright.

Oh, and I have amazingness to share with you.

Kyle Hill said...

Asbestos is always a laughing matter. I mean, it was invented by the liberal media, right?

Anonymous said...

i believe most people who got cancer from asbestos were already vunerable because they also smoked.