Monday, July 16, 2012

A Return.

(Check back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for at least something from now on. Lets hope I can hold true to that!)

In the time since I was last frequent here, many things have occurred. Not counting sporadic updates, I was last consistent in the summer of last year. That’s a long time. Especially long if, in that time you get married, go to Jamaica, put offers in on houses, get an offer accepted, start a book, get an iPad, procure art space, sell artwork, and almost adopt a dog.

There’s a lot that happens from year to year, and if you know me in the least, this next part will make sense. Time gets mushy anywhere beyond a month or so back for me. (Facebook’s Timeline was a miracle. Whether Facebook has caused this mushy time is another post entirely.) So the update that follows will be like chasing a thread trough a complex knot:

I was engaged quite some time ago. I don’t know if I told the internet that. There are some really fantastic stories to be told of how I got to marry Deanna. Some of them are on here. But the grand culmination was a wedding. We did rock paper scissors to decided who had to say their vows first, we included a reading from a court case on marriage equality, we had a friend do our vows. Everything I wanted, we had. I only wish we’d had more time. Everyone told me it would be over in a blink. I didn’t believe them. They were right. But. We have photos to remember it. Here are a couple of those. Joey Allen did an amazing job. We got over 1500 photos from him, so there’s a bit of arduousness to it that I wasn’t expecting. I suspect, however, that our assertion that we too are photographers contributed to his offering a substantial bulk of documentation.

After the wedding we went to Jamaica. We were incredibly fortunate to have been able to do that. The experience was unlike anything I’ve ever encountered. I feel like I added years to my life for having done it. I recommend it, as it was surprisingly affordable. Here’s a couple photos that were more intentionally created. If you want the point-and-shoot type stuff you can friend me in Social Medialand.

Oh, and I own a gun, a holster, and a belt.

(Click the links to see the post once I’ve updated.)
I’m writing a book, it’s in process so I’ll update later.
I’m still working on the comic so I’ll update later.
I’m setting up an art space in a gallery so I’ll update later.
I have a super hero collaborative work coming up so expect some words on that.

I’ll end this with the assertion that this will become my more permanent blog. I know I’ve said I was switching like a half dozen times, but it doesn’t work. This blog fits me. Every time I come back to this blog I feel like I’m coming home. So I’ll be here, even if it doesn’t direct traffic to my website.

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